
Surprising Reasons Why People Wake Up Tired Health Reports:
1. You sleep poorly and wake with a bad taste in your mouth.
What it’s a symptom of: “Morning mouth” can be a signal of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or asymptomatic heartburn. Recent sleep studies have shown that up to 25 percent of people who report sleeping poorly without a diagnosed cause have sleep-related acid reflux. But because they don’t have obvious heartburn symptoms, they’re unaware of the condition.
How it interrupts sleep: Acid reflux causes the body to partially awaken from sleep, even when there are no symptoms of heartburn. The result of this “silent reflux” is fitful, uneven sleep, but when you wake up digestion is complete and you can’t tell why you slept poorly.
What to do: Follow treatment suggestions for heartburn, even though you aren’t experiencing classic heartburn symptoms: Don’t eat for at least two hours before hitting the sack, and avoid acid-causing foods in your evening meals. (Alcohol, chocolate, heavy sauces, fatty meats, spicy foods, citrus fruits, and tomatoes all contribute to heartburn and acid reflux.) Some doctors also recommend chewing gum before bed, because it boosts the production of saliva, which neutralizes stomach acid.
Certain medications, particularly aspirin and other painkillers, are hard on the stomach and esophageal lining, so don’t take them just before bed.
Sleep studies have shown that sleeping on the left side reduces symptoms, and sleeping on the right side causes them to worsen because acid takes longer to clear out of the esophagus when you’re on your right side. If you prefer to sleep on your back — a position that can increase reflux — elevating your head and shoulders can help.
Losing weight can do wonders to banish heartburn and acid reflux. And if all else fails, try taking an over-the-counter antacid.

2. You toss and turn or wake up often to use the bathroom.
What it’s a symptom of: Nocturia is the official name for waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that 65 percent of older adults are sleep deprived as a result of frequent nighttime urination. Normally, our bodies have a natural process that concentrates urine while we sleep so we can get six to eight hours without waking. But as we get older, we become less able to hold fluids for long periods because of a decline in antidiuretic hormones.
How it interrupts sleep: For some people, the problem manifests as having to get up to use the bathroom, and then being unable to get back to sleep. Once middle-of-the-night sleeplessness attacks, they lie awake for hours. But for others the problem is more subtle; they may sleep fitfully without waking fully, as the body attempts to send a signal that it needs to go.
What to do: Start with simple steps. Don’t drink any liquids for at least three hours before going to bed. This includes foods with a lot of liquid in them, like soups or fruit. Lower your coffee and tea consumption; the acids in coffee and tea can irritate the bladder. Don’t drink alcohol, which functions as a diuretic as well as a bladder irritant.
Go to the bathroom last thing before getting in bed and relax long enough to fully empty your bladder. It’s also important to get checked for conditions that cause urination problems. Guys, this means getting your prostate checked. Inflammation of the prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPN), and prostate tumors can all cause frequent urination. In women, overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, incontinence, and cystitis are common causes of urinary problems.
Diabetes can also cause frequent urination, so if you haven’t been tested for diabetes recently, see your doctor. Certain drugs such as diuretics and heart medications can contribute to this problem; if that’s the case, talk to your doctor about taking them earlier in the day. A prescription antidiuretic can cut down on nighttime urination if all else fails and there’s no underlying issue.

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