
Career Change Mistakes 3 of the Most — Common Mistakes

Career Change Mistakes 3 of the Most — Common Mistakes

As I continue to work with clients who want to escape the mundane life sucking job they hate, I see many avoidable mistakes that are repeatedly made. They are costly and if avoided will make your transition to a new career smoother. Here are three of the most common ones I see, do you recognize any of them in your own journey?

Mistake #1 - Not doing anything to Create the Career Change
Wishing, hoping and praying for a new career change will not make it happen any faster. Yet I see many people staying in jobs they hate because they fear the unknown that change brings. Either they think they can't afford health insurance or how they're going to keep income in their household on a steady basis. It's easy to see how fear could cause irrational assumptions to be made. To avoid this mistake the key is to diligently research the foundations of your fear. The only way to erase the fear is to increase your knowledge on the subject. The more knowledge and understanding you possess the less afraid of the career change you become.
Mistake #2 - Going it Alone
Rumi once stated you should never ask for directions from someone who has never left home. How true it is. Yet many ask their circle of friends and family who view their decision to escape the confines of cubicle nation as abnormal for advice. Of course they're going to say don't do that. They don't understand your frustration or they see you as "flighty". If you are truly committed to your career change and want to be successful at it, ask for help. Seek out the advice of mentors, coaches, advisors. Anyone who will not only support your decision but also give you inspiration, structure and accountability. Surrounding yourself with positive, encouraging people limits your learning curve and exponentially accelerates your progress.
Mistake #3 - Thinking Time = Money
This is often the biggest mistake and also the easiest to avoid. The mindset shift from employee to employer is often the one that trips up even the most well intentioned. Those career changers that seek a change from their vocation or trade often want a complete change of scenery. Because they fail to see HOW they could possibly make money doing what they love, they quit before even trying. What a tragedy. When you decide you want to create income that allows you to live the life you dream of, you have to shift from time = money TO value=money. Valuing what you have to offer, is where you need to be. Packaging your expertise and selling it is the way to succeed. If you want to have a complete career change that is successful recognize this fact: what you have to share is valuable.

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